In Joensuu, the October weekend leads to the edge of comprehensive security. The goal is to get the citizens – that is, all of us – to understand what comprehensive security means and the importance of preparedness in our time.
Finland’s comprehensive security and related entities will be featured in a variety of ways at the fair. Representatives of the
authorities, business operators, organizations and educational institutions will participate in the fair. Related products, services,
training and know-how are presented extensively. This fair event promotes the understanding of comprehensive security and
cooperation between different operators. The goal is to make citizens care about comprehensive security and safety.
So come along and show and tell what you and your company/association bring to the comprehensive security of our country!
The Comprehensive Security 2024 and Know-How Fair – originally called the National Defence Fair – was organized for the first
time in Helsinki in 1992. The previous fair, Comprehensive Security 2022, was organized in Tampere. Now it’s the turn of the
tenth fair, and Joensuu is the venue.
The fair is open to the public on Friday, October 4. and Sat 5.10. from 9:00 to 17.00.
The ready-made booths ordered from the construction company (Maiseri OY) will be ready on Thursday 3 October. at 14:00.
Decorating of the booths is possible after this time until 23.00.
The construction of the booths (only floor space) ordered without structures can be started on Wednesday, October 2 at 16.00
continuing until 23.00.
Dismantling of the booths
Fair booths must be dismantled on Saturday 5 October by 23:00.
Maiseri Oy is responsible for the construction of the fair booths/stands. Check out the ready-made fair
booths/stands here.
Contact person: Mr. Jari Isohella, Maiseri Oy,, tel. + 358 400 680 866
The service will be informed later.
Fair program
Will be published closer to the fair event.
Your own performance on the information stage or show area is possible. Take contact Sarah Laukkanen by email,